

Wong FK & Favuzzi E. The brain’s polymath: emerging roles of microglia throughout brain development. Curr Opin Neurobiol (2023).      PDF

Gesuita L, Cavaccini A, Argunsah AO, Favuzzi E, Ibrahim LA, Stachniak TJ, De Gennaro M, Utz S, Greter M, Karayannis T. Microglia contribute to the postnatal development of cortical SST+ inhibitory cells and to whisker-evoked cortical activity. Cell Reports (2022). Link

Favuzzi E, Huang S, Saldi GA, Binan L, Ibrahim LA, Fernández-Otero M, Cao Y, Zeine A, Sefah A, Zheng K, Xu Q, Khlestova E, Farhi SL, Bonneau R, Datta SR, Stevens B, Fishell G. GABA-receptive microglia selectively sculpt developing inhibitory circuits. Cell (2021). Link


Prakash P*, Jethava KP*, Korte N*, Izquierdo P*, Favuzzi E, Rose I, Guttenplan K, Dutta S, Rochet JC, Fishell G, Liddelow S, Attwell D, Chopra G. Monitoring phagocytic uptake of amyloid β into glial cell lysosomes in real time. Chemical Science(2021).     * co-first authors Link


Vormstein-Schneider D*, Lin JD*, Pelkey KA, Chittajallu R, Guo B, Arias-Garcia MA, Allaway K, Sakopoulos S, Schneider G, Stevenson O, Vergara J, Sharma J, Zhang Q, Franken TP, Smith J, Ibrahim LA, Mastro KJ, Sabri E, Huang S, Favuzzi E, et al. Viral manipulation of functionally distinct interneurons in mice, non-human primates and humans. Nature Neuroscience(2020). * co-first authors Link


Wamsley B*, Ibrahim LA*, Yusuf N, Fisher E, Jaglin XH, Xu Q, Guo L, Khodadadi-Jamayran A, Favuzzi E, Yuan Y, Dimidschstein J, Darnell R, Fishell G. Nova proteins direct synaptic integration of somatostatin interneurons through activity-dependent alternative splicing. BioRxiv (preprint, 2019).          * co-first authors Link


Favuzzi E*, Deogracias R*, Marques-Smith A, Maeso P, Jezequel J, Exposito-Alonso D, Balia M, Kroon T, Hinojosa AJ, Maraver EF & Rico B. Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits. Science (2019). * co-first authors Link


Wamsley B*, Jaglin XH*, Favuzzi E*, Quattrocolo G, Nigro MJ, Yusuf N, Khodadadi-Jamayran A, Rudy B, Fishell G. Rbfox1 mediates cell-type-specific splicing in cortical interneurons. Neuron (2018).                      * co-first authors Link


Favuzzi E & Rico B. Molecular diversity underlying cortical excitatory and inhibitory synapse development. Curr Opin Neurobiol (2018). Link


Favuzzi E, Marques-Smith A, Deogracias R, Winterflood CM, Sánchez-Aguilera A, Mantoan L, Maeso P, Fernandes C, Ewers H, Rico B. Activity-dependent gating of parvalbumin interneuron function by perineuronal net proteins. Neuron (2017). Link


Marques-Smith A*, Favuzzi E* & Rico B. Shaping Early Networks To Rule Mature Circuits: Little MiRs Go A Long Way. Neuron(preview), (2016).          * co-first authors. Link


Annibali D*, Whitfield JR*, Favuzzi E, Jauset T, Serrano E, Cuartas I, Redondo-Campos S, et al. Myc inhibition is effective against glioma and reveals a role for Myc in proficient mitosis. Nature Communications (2014)      * co-first authors. Link


Savino M, Annibali D, Carucci N, Favuzzi E, Cole MD, Evan GI, Soucek L, Nasi S. The Action Mechanism of the Myc Inhibitor Termed Omomyc May Give Clues on How to Target Myc for Cancer Therapy. PLoS One (2011). Link

Image credit Julia Kuhl