Neuron-Microglia Interactions

Another research direction in the lab focuses on understanding fundamental mechanisms underlying neuron-microglia interactions, with an emphasis on how they impact brain wiring and function. Within this broad framework, we study:

(1) the role of activity in regulating the interaction of microglia with inhibitory synapses;

(2) the ability of microglia to respond to different neurotransmitters and neuromodulators;

(3) the impact of microglia perturbations on inhibitory synapse plasticity to determine whether the selective remodeling of inhibitory circuits by microglia supports learning.

We study these questions by combining mouse genetics, viral tools, chemogenetics (e.g. DREADDs) and in vivo imaging.

Time-lapse video showing interactions between microglia and Parvalbumin+ (PV) inhibitory presynaptic terminals in vivo. Multiple contacts between microglial processes (green, Cx3cr1GFP/+ mice) displaying bulbous endings and PV boutons (red, labeled with PVe-Syp-tdTomato AAV) are observed over 30 minutes.


Immune challenges and brain wiring


Infections and Neurodevelopment